This course will help you to use offline and online library services more effectively, with a particular focus on local resources (SZTE Klebelsberg Library). It will provide comprehensive support for academic studies, with an emphasis on research assignments.
Students who complete the course will save considerable time by being better informed about research methods and more familiar with information resources and services. The course aims to provide guidance for today’s 21st century library user, particularly in the management of digital resources. Students will be familiar with the types of resources and their location in online library systems, as well as the search options required for bibliographic research. The modules will be based on regional and international databases and will provide guidance on research skills, including the methods and requirements of dissertations.
All this within the context and principles of academic writing.
The training is supported by the RRF-2.1.2-21-2022-00012 Complex Digital Transformation – Intelligent Gear Change project.
The project is part of Hungary’s Recovery and Resilience Plan.
1) Library basics
The main types of documents covered in these lessons, and the principles of the organisation and retrieval of library collections.
2) Library use in the SZTE Klebelsberg Library
The chapter provides help on how to find and use the printed documents of the SZTE Klebelsberg Library, including the online options.
3) Search the Library 1: online catalogue(s)
This chapter covers the basics of database searching. It introduces the online catalogue of the SZTE Klebelsberg Library (Qulto), gives useful tips on how to use it more efficiently, and explains what you need to know about interlibrary loan.
Reading lesson: Library catalogues and electronic databases: basic search information
Video lesson: SZTE Klebelsberg Library’s online catalogue: basics
Video lesson: SZTE Klebelsberg Library’s online catalogue: extra features with registration
Reading lesson: Interlibrary Loan, Combined Library Catalogues, and Metasearch Engines
Knowledge check – Search 1
4) Search the Library 2: electronic resources
This chapter looks at searching the online resources provided by the SZTE Klebelsberg Library.
Reading lesson: Electronic resources in general
Reading lesson: Electronic resources at the SZTE Klebelsberg Library
Video lesson: Online resources - Summon Discovery
Knowledge check – Search 2/a
Reading lesson: International databases
Reading lesson: What to know about eBooks?
Add-on: Google and others
Knowledge check – Search 2/b
5) Managing digital library content and community-based content development
This module presents repositories, the institutional digital collections specific to higher education libraries. In addition to a general introduction, special emphasis is given to SZTE Contenta, a repository system maintained by the SZTE Klebelsberg Library.
6) Academic writing
This module provides an insight into the criteria, characteristics and techniques of academic writing, the skills involved in collecting and managing literature, and the principles of scholarly writing.
7) Writing history and libraries
This module gives an overview of the types of scripts and documents from different periods and the different types of libraries.
Glossary of terms